Many in the musical fraternity can be excused, due to matters out of their control, for almost two years of inactivity. Yet, thumb-twiddling is not in Pokey’s vocabulary. Despite not being able to tour to promote, he released the sublime – though somewhat heavy in subject matter – 2020’s Rock Bottom Rhapsody which was named a “Best of 2020” on many lists including our’s! and an “Album that made an art of escapism.”
This time around, he adopts a much lighter touch & despite being stranded in Austin & unable to tour/travel (hey don’t we all know what that feels like….but no more so than our extraordinary musicians whose livelihoods so rely on gigging!)… he has successfully produced an album that exudes a breezy summertime mood….just what we need right now!
Pokey LaFarge was aiming to: “ create a body of work that paired emotional lyrics with a killer groove and grabby melodies.” Job done!!!! This may just be one of the most entertaining albums of the year.