Lights twinkle, flicker, blaze, and sparkle throughout David Crosby’s finest solo album since his melancholy 1971 masterpiece If I Could Only Remember My Name. A subtly cohesive set of tunes reflecting Crosby’s politics, spirituality and emotional maturity, Lighthouse is an unusually robust late-career move radiating inventive musicianship, relaxed self-assurance and gently cantankerous autumnal wisdom. (“Shame on me for thinking I could be someone who could be free,” he chides the political forces of darkness in “Someone Other Than You.”) Croz also found an ideal collaborator in Snarky Puppy bassist-bandleader Michael League, whose mastery of elegant harmonic movement – reflected here in luminously towering vocal harmonies – illuminates the songwriter’s familiar voice, which mostly sounds younger than his 75 years, and innovative acoustic guitar style.