“I was made for you, you were made for me,” Tim Rogers declares in the opening cut of the Hard-Ons’ 13th long-player. Yep, four decades after they formed, the much-loved Sydney punks pulled a surprise by adding the You Am I frontman to their ranks.
And it proves to be a perfect fit.
Rogers might be all swagger outside the ring, but when the bell goes, he means business, delivering a potent combination of short, sharp jabs. His love for the band is obvious and infectious – check out Home Sweet Home and the scream at the start of The Laws of Gossip. And while Rogers’ vocal provides some killer hooks, the Hard-Ons have not forsaken their trademark cheekiness and heaviness. The energy is almost exhausting, with a dozen songs in 32 minutes. ‘I’m Sorry Sir, That Riff’s Been Taken’ is an all-embracing collection of songs that luminously capture The Hard-Ons’ enthusiasm and perseverance. Episodes of thunderous chaos unite with the warmth of refreshing elasticity, culminating in an entertaining and enthralling record that conveys the virtuosity of the band. Hold tight; this is an exhilarating ride.