Night of the Worm Moon was recorded during a rare cosmic occurrence: 2017’s solar eclipse. “We took a break from recording during the totality and looked at the sun’s image through a piece of cardboard projecting onto a garbage can,” Shana Cleveland says. “When we came back inside the studio was covered in dozens of tiny crescent suns, refracted from a mirrored disco ball that [engineer] Johnny Goss had hanging in a window.”
Cleveland has been beguiling listeners for years as the frontwoman for elastic surf rockers La Luz. Now she is evolving her sound on this new solo full-length, a serene work that flows like a warm current while simultaneously wresting open a portal to another dimension.
Night of the Worm Moon occupies a strange, vibrant kind of headspace. UFO sightings, insect carcasses, and twilight dimensions are all grist for Cleveland’s restless creativity, and they and other inspirations collide beautifully on the album’s 10 kaleidoscopic tracks – a spacebound transmission from America’s weirdo frontier. Inspired in part by one of her musical idols, the Afro-futurist visionary Sun Ra (the album’s title is a tip of the hat to his 1970 release Night of the Purple Moon), the record blends pastoral folk with cosmic concerns. It’s much a work of California sci-fi as Octavia Butler’s Parable novels, incorporating everything from alternate realities to divine celestial bodies. Wondrous!