Purple Pyramid has teamed up, with Prog Master Musician Billy Sherwood for a humongous project that is so over the top with talent it deserves to be a Progressive Rock record.
The Prog Collective sees Sherwood writing nine amazing songs, of course, very Prog in nature, and then recording some of the genres most famous historical figures. And each of the nine songs mix together to make a great Progressive soup that is both fresh, and harkens back to the good days when Prog wasn’t a dirty word. Often times album with numerous guests can convolute the situation, making the music lose any sense of identity. Sherwood was careful to make sure that the songs stood on their own and that the guests were spices and the extra something special to make this musical soup have great flavor.
The Prog Collective is truly a situation where the sum of all the parts really all make up the whole. This is a real album that is best listened to all nine tracks at a time. And when you finally are at your wits end being bombarded with such bombastic and grand music, along comes William Shatner and his unique voice with a spoken word song that leaves you with a smile on your face.
This is a true collective; a force where all coming together makes one solid, unmovable object.