JEFF LANG reckons his memory is like a sieve, yet some things just stick. Memories of gigs where the pay is akin to blood money. Recollections on how the roads’ twists and turns can be lightened by the presence of fellow travellers, occasionally darkened by them too. Musings on recording, songwriting and touring around. A journey kicked off by falling in love with sound. Shonky dealers. Diamond geezers. The hunt for a tone that turns your head. The late night mind-fog in some far-flung bed. Glad encounters and sad goodbyes. Some memories never die.
“This is JEFF LANG’s guide to the often hilarious life of a jobbing musician. He lived these tales so that you can laugh in comfort” DON WALKER
“Jeff’s passion surges like an ocian, his humour glides through the torrecnt like a catamaran: manned by a grinning feline. Please catch a ride” TIM ROGERS
“Jeff Lang is a rock and roll believer and he writes like he performs, with refreshing wit, passion and integrity. These stories are hilarious, shocking, illuminating….and true!” BRIAN NANKERVIS