FOUR LIONS ‘Hard Days’ – CD

$15.00 Inc GST

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Bendigo outfit Four Lions ply their trade in a potent brand of Americana that fuses roots, rock and alt-country. Impressively, Hard Days is their fourth album in four years, recorded over a fortnight last July at Melbourne’s Head Gap Studios by Finn Keane.

Lead guitarist Keith MacQueen said the band had spent a lot of time crafting Hard Days and had produced a broader sound than that of any of their previous efforts. “The new album is going to be a real cornucopia of music – a real mix of styles and almost tributes to the influences band members had growing up like the Go Betweens, Church and other bands like that. “I wanted to make an album that wasn’t rushed, but sonically was an amalgamation of everything we had done previously,” songwriter/guitarist Shann Lions adds.

Sure to please fans of Wilco, Tom Petty and Ry Cooder, it’s the classic music of small towns with only a couple of bitumen options, a wonderful gelling of influences and a damn good time!