On Earthling, Eddie Vedder unapologetically embraces Pearl Jam’s turf with 13 tracks that recall both the band’s punk energy and its mainstream-rock aspirations in a way that feels distinctively Vedderish. It’s his most revealing solo release, since, musically, it feels more like the Vedder we’ve known for 30 years and not a purposeful departure from Pearl Jam.
Earthling’s guests figure heavily into how Vedder reveals new sides of himself, since most of his reverence comes through in nods and winks. Stevie Wonder plays fluttering harmonica throughout ‘Try’, an upbeat rockabilly number about forgiveness, and while it’s a scene-stealer, it never distracts from the song. Benmont Tench appears here and there throughout the album, usually sweetening the arrangements. And ‘Mrs. Mills’ owes such a debt to the grandiose pomp of Sgt. Pepper that it name-checks Paul McCartney and features Ringo Starr as a guest on drums.
It’s only on ‘Picture’, a duet with Elton John, where Vedder gives in to his fandom. The track is all Elton-y country schmaltz (nothing wrong with that though!!). But it’s the only moment on Earthling that doesn’t feel distinctly Vedderish, other than in the lyrics, which sing about striving for love and hope. Those lyrics are the song’s only anchor to Earthling’s central theme.