20-year old prodigy Kingfish Ingram is stunning the blues world with his incredible debut album. Ingram grew up in Clarksdale, Mississippi, a town sometimes called the “cradle” of the blues. Nearby is the plantation where Muddy Waters spent his childhood, as well as the mythic crossroads of Highway 61 and 49 where Robert Johnson made his famed deal with the devil.
As his appearance on season two of Netflix’s ‘Luke Cage’ made clear, Ingram is one of the most exciting young blues guitarists in years. “I saw his YouTube videos,” says showrunner Cheo Hodari Coker, “and I was, like, ‘Holy shit. Let me find him.” Buddy Guy (!) was similarly impressed after jamming with Ingram, and personally paid for him to record his upcoming LP.
This emphasis on crisp execution makes literally every Ingram solo on the album a dramatic event. On the up-tempo stuff, he tears through blistering lines with the easygoing assurance of a road-dog veteran. Then when it’s slow-blues time, he makes the guitar moan.
The blues doesn’t exactly have a deep bench of young renegades. It does, however, have a few up-and-coming stars like Ingram, who appreciate the blues as a lifeline, a malleable language, a way of being in the world. Several times on the album, Ingram describes himself as an “old soul.” But he really didn’t have to – his astounding playing says as much, over and over again.