The Crossing, Escovedo’s new 17-track concept album about the immigrant experience in America, delivers everything you would expect from a master artist. As deeply personal and intimate as it is political—and it is very political—it is as much a compelling narrative.
One of the chief architects of insurgent Americana, Alejandro Escovedo earned his renegade reputation by cutting a swatch across rock and roots with deliberate defiance. With The Crossing, Escovedo reaches back to his roots , reflecting on his early life as a child of immigrant parents. A concept album of considerable consequence, it details the troubles and challenges faced by two young Mexican immigrants as they try to come to grips with life in a small Texas town. The promise that lured them across the border quickly fades under the harsh realities of current polemics and politics. Ultimately The Crossing comes to the inescapable conclusion that the warm welcome this nation once gave those seeking the American Dream has become fleeting at best and a betrayal at worst. Regardless of one’s politics, The Crossing could be considered an essential acquisition.