As with everything Jarre creates, OXYMORE involves multiple layers of audio and of interpretation, operating on various levels of reality, but perhaps one of the most intriguing aspects of the experience was its ability to look backwards as well as forwards- back through time to when Jarre famously created his era-defining debut “Oxygene”, with early equipment and techniques, using his kitchen as a makeshift home studio (an album which then went on to sell around 12 million copies), back to unreleased music he created with Paul Henri who sadly passed away before it could be released.
OXYMORE proves that not only is Jarre still on top of his game, but that the themes that run through all his music: of embracing new forms and dismantling preconceptions, of connecting people using music and technology, are as intriguing and relevant as ever.
“Jean-Michel’s music is naturally spatial, and although he works in stereo, he thinks in terms of space,” observes sound design engineer, Hervé Déjardin. “He organised different stems for me during the mastering process and sent me the multitracks so I could start the spatialisation design . My job was just to reinforce the emotion and story in space.”